Here’s a quick Powershell script I knocked up to help me check AD Group Memberships between two user accounts. Just set the  $user1  and  $user2  variables and you’re good to go.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory;

$user1 = "username1";
$user2 = "username2";

$groups1 = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity $user1 | Select-Object -Property Name;
$groups2 = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity $user2 | Select-Object -Property Name;

if($groups1.Count -ne $groups2.Count)
	Write-Host "The two accounts contain a different number of groups.";

foreach($group in $groups1)
	echo "1 $group";
	if($groups2 -match $group)
		Write-Host "$user1 & $users2 are both members of $group.";
		Write-host "$user2 is not a member of $group";

# Reverse check
foreach($group in $groups2)
	if($groups1 -match $group)
		# No need to reoutput message;
		Write-host "$user1 is not a member of $group";

Output will resemble below;

The two accounts contain a different number of groups.
username1 & are both members of @{Name=Domain Users}.
username2 is not a member of @{Name=AD Group One}
username1 & are both members of @{Name=VPN Group}.
username2 is not a member of @{Name=Development AD Group}
username2 is not a member of @{Name=SQL Admins Group}
username2 is not a member of @{Name=AD Group Four}