Here's a simple example showing how to manage the failover process with Powershell, making sure all resources are running on one node. First, execute the below command to show which node owns the resources.

Get-ClusterGroup -Cluster ClusterName | Format-Table -AutoSize;
Name              OwnerNode     State
----              ---------     -----
SoStagSQL20Dtc    Node1 	Online
SQL Server        Node1 	Online
Cluster Group     Node1 	Online
Available Storage Node1 	Online

In this example all services are currently running on Node1. It's a simple Powershell one-liner to failover everything to another node. The following example assumes a 2 node cluster and all services will be failed over to the other node;

Get-ClusterNode -Cluster ClusterName -Name Node1 | Get-ClusterGroup | Move-ClusterGroup | Format-Table -Autosize;

All services are now running on Node2

Name			OwnerNode	State
----			---------	-----
SoStagSQL20Dtc Node2 Online SQL Server Node2 Online Cluster Group Node2 Online Available Storage Node2 Online

If you have more than 2 nodes in the cluster you can use the -Name parameter of the [Move-ClusterGroup]( "Windows Powershell Move-ClusterGroup cmdlet") to specify a node to move resources to.

Get-ClusterNode -Cluster ClusterName -Name Node1 | Get-ClusterGroup | Move-ClusterGroup -Name Node2 | Format-Table -Autosize;

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